Trinity Presbyterian Church extends God’s ministry to people at all significant times in their lives: at birth, baptism and marriage, in times of illness and trouble and, most appropriately, at death. At your time of loss, we are here to grieve and pray with you.
We are also available to help members arrange for funerals or memorial services. To make funeral or memorial arrangements, please complete the funeral request information form or email the church office for questions. If you are making funeral arrangements with us, please read our guidelines for funerals and memorial services to plan specific aspects of the service ahead of time:
The resurrection is a central doctrine of the Christian faith and shapes Christian’s attitudes and responses to the event of death. Death brings loss, sorrow, and grief to all. In the face of death, Christians do not bear bereavement in isolation but are sustained by the power of the Holy Spirit and the community of faith. The Church offers a ministry of love and hope to all who grieve. As this is the basis of a Christian funeral defined by the Book of Order of the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A., the Session of Trinity Presbyterian Church has set forth the following policy on funeral/memorial services which occur at the church.
It is expected that primary arrangements will be made with Trinity Presbyterian Church’s pastor. Typically, one pastor will officiate at the service, though there might be times when it will be appropriate to requests for the participation of a “guest” pastor to assist in the service and must be made to the officiating pastor; who, if it is appropriate, will extend an invitation. However, the service shall be under the direction of our Pastor
Service at Church
Church members are encouraged to use the church for funeral/memorial services. Just as we are baptized by God in church have been nourished by God through the church, so it is wholly appropriate that thanksgiving to God or our lives should be offered in the church.
A Time of Worship
In the Presbyterian tradition a funeral/memorial service is considered a service of worship, and will be approached with dignity and joyful celebration accorded worship. A typical order of worship may include: prelude and postlude of sacred music; hymns of praise and faith; scripture lessons from the Old and New Testaments; a message; prayers of intercession, comfort and thanksgiving; a benediction. In consultation with the pastor, other elements, such as remarks from family members and friends, may be included in the service.
The officiating pastor shall make the final decision on the elements of worship.
Service Music and Fees
A funeral or memorial service is a service of worship and a witness to the resurrection. All music sung or played before and during the service should be appropriate to Christian worship. Unless the family has specific requests, the organist will choose an appropriate program of organ music (15 minutes in length) to be played as a prelude to the service and a postlude at the end of the service.
Any funeral or memorial service hosted at Trinity Presbyterian Church that includes music will require the use of our church organist/pianist
at a fee of $150.
The casket/cremains of the deceased may be present for the service, and shall arrive at the church at least 45 minutes prior to the announced start time. In order that the worship may focus on God, and upon the gift of the resurrection, rather than upon the earthly remains of the deceased, the casket will be closed during the service.