The Board of Deacons

The Deacon Board shall assist and visit those in poverty, sickness or distress; maintain and prepare the elements to be used in the observance of the Sacrament of Holy Communion; prepare the chancel with appropriate symbols and paraments for worship services; fill the baptismal font, administrate hospitality to the family of the deceased following the services at our church; administrate and maintain the Food Pantry, under the aegis of the Social Outreach Committee; promote the health and welfare of church members and other services designated by Session. They shall assume such other duties as may be delegated to them, from time to time by the session, such as leading the people in worship through prayers of intercession, reading the scripture, presenting the gifts of the people and assisting with the Lord’s Supper.

There shall be a Board of Deacons, which should consist of twelve members, all of whom shall be active members of the church. They shall be elected on the rotary system in the same manner as Elders. An officer can be elected for three years and can succeed himself. No deacon shall serve for consecutive terms, either full or partial, aggregating more than six years. One year must elapse before a person can return as a deacon on the Deacon Board. Deacons are ordained and the office is perpetual.

Board of Deacons 2024





Deacon Dr. Allen Bennett

Deacon roman brown


Deacon mary gorman

deacon gail phillips


Deacon Loretta Mason





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Church Leadership Organizational Leadership The Board of Trustees The Session  CHARTER MEMBERS